We are a group of students who are helping implement design/build studios at UC Berkeley. Design/Build studios require more planning and time than conventional studios and it may be challenging for professors to find compensation for this extra commitment. We are engaged in grant writing, organization and interdisciplinary collaboration because we believe that design/build projects will contribute to a meaningful education.

Benefits of design/build projects include:

• Interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration within the UC system
• Innovative and experimental designs help define UC as a cutting edge educational system
• Increased awareness among students and professors of
UC resources
• Higher visibility for student projects
• Real-world experience with industry experts prepares students for post-academic success
• Potential for UC cost-savings in design fees of projects and improvements

In the Spring of 2010 two students from the CED, Marisha Farnsworth and Jeremy Fisher received a grant from UCIRA to explore the organizational side of interdisciplinary and design/build studios. With this seed money we are planning a group independent study and several meetings for the Fall of 2010. We are currently seeking collaborators and further funding.